Many homeowners turn to vinyl siding when they need home siding done due to its appeal, as well as its durability and low maintenance needs. Vinyl siding is super durable and has the ability to last decades on a home, still looking great after so many years. There is always going to come a time, though, when you need to take action to replace your vinyl siding. The trick for a homeowner is to understand when that time has come.

Replacing old vinyl siding is something that, when given first thought, seems like a major project. Most homeowners will likely have to replace the siding on their home at least once. This is due to just how long the vinyl siding is built to last and how great it continues to look after installation, even decades later.

Signs of Trouble With Your Vinyl Siding

That being said, what are some of the signs that you should be watching for to know when to replace your vinyl siding? Understanding as a homeowner what to look out for can set you up for success.

Pieces of Siding Are Loose or Missing

The first clear sign that you may need to consider replacing your vinyl siding is that pieces of the siding are either loose or nonexistent. Pieces of siding can become loose over the years. When they become loose, they risk sliding out of position and falling off the home. Missing siding can also occur following major storms where the wind may take the siding down entirely.

When you have loose or missing pieces of siding, it is going to greatly expose the structure underneath the siding. That structure underneath can then be susceptible to damage and lead to more issues later with your home overall.

Rotting of the Vinyl Siding

Think about the amount of weather that the vinyl siding has to endure. It faces the beating sun all day, rain, and snow. Then you have things such as hail storms and heavy winds. All of that will do a number on the vinyl siding material as the years go by.

When the vinyl siding simply cannot take anymore, that is when you may start to see the rotting of the vinyl. You want to look for the root cause of the damage once you see signs of rot, taking action to repair or replace the pieces.

Fading Colors

Do you have siding that used to be red, but now appears to be more like a washed-out white and pink type color? This example is one where you are going to start to experience fading in the siding. Fading in siding can start out very lightly, where it can be difficult to notice. Over time, though, the color in the siding can start to fade away more and more. When you start to experience fading, you want to think about your different options, including replacing the vinyl siding.

Cracks and Warps

Siding should maintain its solid and straight shape as it remains in position on the exterior of your home. What happens, though, when you notice that some pieces of the siding have cracks in them or are starting to warp entirely?

The vinyl siding material has the ability to break down as the years pass by. You may start to see the damage in just small areas of the siding, and it can expose the structure underneath the siding, causing damage to it. You can work to correct or repair hose small damage spots early on. As the damage worsens, you must consider replacing large pieces of the vinyl siding, if not the whole siding, for the home.

Damage from Pests

Pests can do a lot of damage to vinyl siding. It is not uncommon for pests to chew holes right through the vinyl siding. While the material is durable and will last for many decades, a pest with some sharp teeth or a bird with a powerful beak will be able to blow a hole right through the material.

Damage from pests is usually going to be seen in the form of a variety of holes going through the vinyl siding. A small hole can be indicative of a much bigger problem as the best can use the hole to get to the underlying structure and then cause damage once inside. It can also expose that structure underneath, leading to posture getting inside, rotting, etc. You want to work to patch holes made from pests in the vinyl siding as timely as possible to rectify the problem.

Benefits of an Annual Inspection

Something that you can do and can get a lot of benefit from is to do annual inspections of your vinyl siding. Bring in a professional and have them thoroughly review the vinyl siding. They can analyze the siding to help you determine its state and overall health, as well as things you could do to help extend the lifespan of the vinyl siding as much as possible.

Vinyl siding is built to last for decades. It is not uncommon for someone to be in a home for between 30 and 50 years with the same vinyl siding, only for it to continue to look great even after all of those years. If you notice any signs that your vinyl siding needs to be replaced or repaired, you must seek help from our professionals right away.

Call Our Team at Canga Restoration Today

When the time comes to replace your aging home’s vinyl siding, be sure that you are considering all of your options. Many highly durable and low-maintenance materials on the market can set you up for success. Work with a professional who can explain everything about the state of your vinyl siding and how you can repair or replace it. Our team at Canga Restoration is available around the clock to answer all your questions. If you need help with your vinyl siding, call our experts in Schaumburg, IL today to schedule a free estimate.